When Life Gives You Lemons…

I try to love without hesitation and find the truths in nearly everything I come across but sometimes, the truth is difficult; even for me to handle at times. This is where I step into grace and just let the cosmos handle what is needed in my life.

Amber and I have since called it quits and she has opted to move to Texas to take care of her mom and to find her happiness. With this, I only wish her the best and complete understanding on my part.

But what happens to me? I continue to search on for what makes me giggle with excitement, cry without judgement, smile into the bliss of perfect moments that kiss my memories for a lifetime.

I wasn’t searching for any one person, or any thing with any kind of specifics in mind, just living life and finding my reason to smile each day.

What happens when he shows up and puts the period to your sentences, wraps you in the hug you’ve been longing for that some how puts all your pieces back together, or holds you above all others? How does it feel when he looks into your eyes and all you can see is forever in his? How do you thank someone for giving you everything, just by holding your hand and your heart settles in and feels at home? When your body has butterflies when he sings to you and all you can do is kiss his lips to show a small fraction of gratitude for the priceless reassurance that this is real.

The answer to all the questions is, YES!

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